In Ideal Beauty

Spot removal. Frequency separation. Gaussian blur. So many tools, so many imperfections to remove. Transforming slightly or substantially the person’s face at the photographer’s discretion, yielding a person both like and unlike the one photographed. This, the photograph tells us implicitly, is the person. This is what they look like—or rather how we would prefer … Read more In Ideal Beauty

Grasping for Words

Often as a writer I pour over whether what I am writing is something that should command any attention. I reach out for the ethereal words to grasp them from the semi-opaque vapors in my mind that pass for thoughts, trying earnestly to say something significant. It is nearly inexpressible how I often feel that this is an exercise in futility: I can never say it well enough. It will fail, I fear… I believe. I even wrote an untitled poem back in early March that I posted on my personal Instagram (@prramer) that spoke to this feeling of inevitable failure at words.

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